First, the Vineyard.

Now, the cottages. These views don't come cheap, but look at how exquisite the rooms are!
A Hanging Chair/Bed on the porch- I'd love to DIY this.

The simplistic bathtub in the Hickory. Love the white-on-white, which is kept from being boring by the myriad textures.

One of the bedrooms... if you have to have ceiling fans, this is not a bad one to have. Also, I love the beadboard-esque walls.
Second bedroom. Love the combination of peach and green. A nice little attic stow-away.
Washroom area

DREAM shower (nevermind the drought- I can appreciate showerheads coming at me from every direction.)

Love the vine in the corner, the heavy-looking Oak doors, and contrast with the white cottage.
Cozy Kitchen
Great outdoor porch...perfect for sipping wine (note all the wine in all the photos!)
Lastly for the Hickory Cottage (and pardon the cheesy girl, but it appears that this fireplace is outdoors; if so, it is my favorite!!!)
The Sassafrass
Again, pardon the girl in the picture, but doesn't this bath look heavenly? I adore the rafters, open shelving, and color scheme of white with chrome with the wooden accents to keep it from being too monochromatic.
Assuming this is the other side of the bath...
An inviting Great Room
Absolutely ADORE this campaign bed (wondering if it's from Anthropologie?). Note the pale blue ceiling and just hints of blue accents in the curtains and pillows. So soothing.
Second bedroom- interesting to see the wicker/rattan on these beds with the room's style.
Magnificent walk-in shower

Magnificent showers part deux
Galley kitchen with stone countertops (granite or slate?). Not a fan of the window treatments but I LOVE the cabinetry.

Ignoring the cereal and focusing on the wet bar sink in the background and Vietri pitcher
The Fiddlehead
And finally, a few images from the Fiddlehead Cabin- a bit more Woodland Rustic.
One doesn't see enough "pairs of tubs."
A darker kitchen than I typically go for, but how can you go wrong with the copper sink and countertops? Note how the cabinets pick up the copper tones under the black.

The quaint dining room.

And lastly, a view from the outside, looking in.

Daily Cottage Rates
Hickory | 2 bedroom\2 bath | $550–$750 USD |
Sassafras | 2 bedroom\2 bath | $550–$750 USD |
Fiddlehead | 1 bedroom\1 bath | $450–$650 USD |
So, our dog-friendly cabin will be a bit more on the rustic side this weekend, but these cottages have definitely gotten me in the mood for a mountain retreat. Is it Friday yet?