Our dinner club met first for Yoga in the Park last evening in Piedmont Park. It was a phenomenal experience- yoga-ing (yes I'm not a true yogi) in the great outdoors. In fact, the weather cooperated and the rain held off for the entire class- though the downpour began on the way to the car.
We had dinner at Dynamic Dish, a Vegetarian place on the edge of Inman Park. The menu is quite limited and despite all the positive reviews I'd read, I was a little... concerned. However, the food did not disappoint- it was really good- and inspired me to get out my Moosewood Cookbook and make a few vegetarian dishes this weekend just because.
Looks like more rain, which I'm actually excited about- a chance to hide out indoors, read, and get some organizing done (all weekend projects that fall to the wayside when given the opportunity to garden outdoors).

via Beach Pictures
Have a very relaxing and peaceful weekend- and while our surroundings may not be quite this fantastic, look for the beauty around you!