When you take a look at the work of local painter, sculptor and mosaic artist Faith Schexnayder, your first thought may be that you could never afford any of her creations. It's true her client list is intimidating: she created the Lance Armstrong Parade Float of 2000, designing, sculpting and painting the float of Lance on his bicycle passing under the Arch de Triumph, which went on to be featured in newspapers and television news programs around the world. Also in 2000, she created George Bush’s acceptance speech stage, which she designed and painted to duplicate the granite walls of the Capitol building. Schexnayder is even responsible for those whimsical sculptures of “Frosty and the Armadillos” in front of the GSD&M headquarters that are displayed each Christmas since she created them in 1998. While her resume of clients might be a bit overwhelming, if there’s anything Schexnayder wants you to take away from her work, it’s the affordability of it.

Schexnayder states right out that she loves what she does. Creativity is in her blood: she’s a third generation painter and hails from a long line of artists in her family. Born in Austin, Schexnayder always wanted to be an artist, and considers herself quite lucky to have achieved her dreams. Of course, it’s not luck that’s helped her achieve them, but her wonderful talent and skills! Schexnayder never wanted to become one of those overly priced artists, however; she believes that form follows function, and works tirelessly to get at the heart of a client’s design needs. Most importantly, she offers her services affordably and quickly, completing projects within reasonable time frames and budgets.

Schexnayder works in all sorts of media and art genres, like painting, foam sculptures, metal sculptures, mosaic tile and architectural carvings to even logos and house remodeling. Not content to keep all of her talent to herself, Schexnayder also works to spread her knowledge of all these great art forms through online tutorials, like the videos on
Expert Village and articles on

If you are wondering what Schexnayder could do for you, the answer is most likely anything! Her long client list includes the likes of GSD&M, Eichenbaum Desplays, 503 Coffee Bar, Pieces of the Past, Halbert Antiques, City of Austin Trail of Lights, Blue Genie Art, Austin Museum of Art and Brent Gaither Interior Design and even the owners of our very own Swank Lighting, who have recently commissioned Schexnayder to complete a personal sculptural project for their home of their dog Peabo, who (the statue) will be positioned to look over their front wall. Whatever your artistic dreams, Schexnayder is committed to helping you acheive them! If you’d like more information on how you can get Schexnayder to work on a custom commissioned piece for your home or business, visit her website at