With back to school upon us (can you believe kids are already back in school down here?) I thought it appropriate to take a look at a great source for our new threads. First things first, I am in no way affiliated with or compensated by this website. Just a happy customer!
So if you haven't met, I'd love to introduce you to MyShape. Here's how it works: you start out by taking a ridiculous number of measurements of yourself (or even better-as it's more accurate- with a partner). No, it's not fun, but it's important you do it correctly. Then, fill out a survey about your style, how you prefer clothes to fit, what designers you wear, and presto- MyShape tells you your "shape," size, and suggests outfits.
Getting personal for a sec, I'm an "M" which I have to tell you is different than the "S" I thought I'd be. So, I can receive weekly tips and outfit ideas for my shape.
Perhaps you are much more adept at putting together outfits than I (and given the number of designers in blogworld, this is very likely the case). You can create your own outfit (a la Polyvore) and add items to your cart.
MyShape also relates runway trends to your shape and their inventory making it super-easy to incorporate the latest in fashion into your wardrobe.
I've saved the absolute best part for last. When perusing the vast assortment of options, MyShape tells you which size to order, based on your measurements. Evidence of how crazy women's clothing sizes can be- I range from a 6 to a 12!. So far, they've been pretty much right on.
Designers include: Trina Turk, Nanette Lepore, Tribal, BCBG, Max & Cleo and a slew of others. And there are great sales and promotions. Inventory is expanding, though I admit I like the edited selection. Oh- and for any job seekers, they have a few openings for freelance web graphic designers and data warehouse/developers, as well as Internships (Patternmaking, styling and fashion, marketing, creative, and customer relations). MyShape also appears committed to philanthropy, which I believe is very important. Standard shipping is free and returns seem not bad- but just a 30-day window.
I'd love to hear what you think!