Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Evolving Darwin Playset

In the beginning, there was a pool of molten plastic (don't ask where it came from - just got with it). After about a bajillion years, the first toy crawled out of the ooze. Over time, that little toy evolved more and more until it became the plastic army men we know and love (and love to blow up). Well, it's high time someone celebrated this toy evolution. So we will.

This five figure set chronicles the first venture of toys from the vinyl slime. The smallest figure of the bunch is the Fish-Man. He's not the sharpest bulb in the drawer, but he means well. Each following figure evolves a bit until it ends with a vinyl representation of Homo sapien. And this Homo sapien is Charles Darwin - the main who first proposed the concept of toy evolution. Naturally, you have to select this set for yourself today (get it? little evolution joke there).

Evolving Darwin Playset

* Each meticulously detailed, hard vinyl figure represents a different stage of human evolution all the way from Fish-Man to a modern day Homo sapien in the form of Charles Darwin
Evolving Darwin Playset


Interior Design Ideas 2011 Sponsored by Mansur Caem