Thursday, October 15, 2009

Flickr Features: Homes of the Future!

Does anyone else remember that cartoon they used to play years ago about the "House of Tomorrow," a funny look at how a home in the future might be like? We always loved imagining as a kid how homes might look, and from the look of these photos we found on Flickr from decades past, so did many others! We've gathered for you today photos of homes and interiors of the future (or our idea of the future, anyway). We think they make a perfect companion to this week's earlier designer influence, don't you think? We even believe the photos from last Flickr Features, Mid-Century Modern interiors, go pretty well, too! Enjoy:

Many of these photos came from a great Flickr set by user veejay562. Other users referenced were partyhare, suzamaphone, we-make-money-not-art, joanna jane, and seier-seier-seier.

Interior Design Ideas 2011 Sponsored by Mansur Caem