Monday, October 26, 2009

Wahoowah Weekend at the Buckhead Barn


via Flikr beardenb

Happy Monday! We had a fun-filled yet productive weekend- hope y'all enjoyed yours! Saturday night, we attended the infamous Bull Roast, held annually on the weekend of the
UVA/GA Tech football game (which we won't discuss). After a few years at an indoor location, the party returned to Buckhead and was held at a great property, though one filled with lots controversy (just google Buckhead Barn).

I fell in love with the "barn" on the property (shown above) and kicked myself for not brining my camera. Very rustic on the inside- but certainly more home-like than barn-like with great candelabras, statues, etc.
This photo is a bit more French Country than the barn, but creates a similar feel.

On a purely superficial level, one of the things I love about UVA get-togethers is the attire. Preppy guys with button-downs and blazers, or sweater vests and blazers... I think of Southern Gent or Tucker Redux. Here's a Brooks Brothers version (is it just me or is this a totally cheesy smile?

The gals are usually decked out as well- though most traded in the dresses for Fall sweaters. Several girls wore riding boots and I instantly decided I needed a pair. I was having trouble publishing my Polyvore, so enjoy Hot chocolate day by Nadi.
Hot chocolate day

It was freezing outside so we very much enjoyed the couple of bonfires (only wish I had brought the right stuff for smores!)

Great bonfire photo by Jack Bauer

And had fun seeing Yacht Rock, which apparently has quite a following in Atlanta.

I'll leave you with a few barn-inspired and barn remodeled interiors... I'm hooked!

Holiday Rentals (property 80350)

Ina Garten's new Barn via La Dolce Vita

John Saladino via Katie Did

Gerald Incandela via Katie Did

Note: the Cavaliers are the official UVA mascot, but the Wahoo has become the widely-used mascot. Several of the UVA cheers include "wahoowah."


Interior Design Ideas 2011 Sponsored by Mansur Caem