Hello! I've missed you all and apologize for my lack of posts and comments on your wonderful blogs! I ended up quite sick and then was traveling with my boss all week.
While the South is getting colder, we do have a few warm snaps, which make dining out all the more fun. I posted on Alto Rex before and Mr. Southern and I made it back for our anniversary, so I got the chance to take photos for you. It's funny- when I was researching my first post in May, there was very little buzz on the place. Now, 6 months later, lots of buzz!
Stairwell leading up to AltoRex, Kamikarin Flickr
The restaurant downstairs, Pacci, and AltoRex, were designed by San Francisco-based Puccini Group. Here's an idea- if you want a cool hotel, find one with a restaurant designed by this team.
The "logs" are actually pieces of metal, which look pretty cool in and of themselves without the fire going. Riverrock and lava rock cover (I assume) the natural gas pipes.

There are lots of little seating areas- all featuring big pops of green.
Great use of topi
aries here to disguise (or at least downplay) the vents.
Hope everyone is doing well- can't wait to catch up!!