It's just, that one, in particular, was just a little painful. Yep, it's Christmas and we have a large extended family. I love to give and I do it well (if I do say so myself)! And we traveled home for Thanksgiving and will for Christmas. And of course, (and this is the real culprit), I've found many things that I love and had to have. $200 here, $150 there, you get the idea. 

Now my "number" is not outrageous and to many of you, quite possibly commonplace. That's the funny thing- we do not all have the same resources and it is silly to have to have fill in the blank just because someone else has it. Yes, you probably learned this as a teenager. Maybe even in your early twenties. I'm a little slower.
And it made me stop and think. One of the potential pitfalls of writing a blog with "Aspirations" in the title is to get a little swept away by all the things that I want. And forget about all that I aspire to be (which is quite different).
Clearly, this blog is not about one subject specifically (like many other bloggers can claim). Rather, it is a means for me to use my voice, connect with others, and discuss all things Southern Aspirations. Sort of like my version of a Southern Living magazine.
I personally am going to try to reel in some of my consumerism- oh I'll still talk about the things I'm wanting and great houses/designs/fashion I love. But I also want, no need, to focus on gratitude. And the abundance I already have. And have/demonstrate a bigger appreciation for the simple things that are out there.
Please note- this not written with any judgement whatsoever. Many of you can probably run right out and get that Schumacher wallcovering I'm dying to hang in our entryway or that Diane von Furstenberg dress I need for the holiday party tomorrow night. And I will cheer for you! But I will also realize in my little head (well, I will try to remember) that I need to pay off graduate school loans and get my furniture restored, which I've been talking about for years now!
And, remember the Reason for the Season!