Friday, December 18, 2009

winners all around- Raw Art Letter Press!

I was thrilled to receive my "winnings" from Raw Art Letter Press the other day! Thanks to Laura of Bright, Bold, and Beautiful I got to "meet" the very talented and sweet Colette.

Don't these just make you happy?!

Love that Moves the Sun Project Embrace Raw Art Letterpress

Enjoy Each Day - Raw Art Letterpress, Rustic, Folkart, Outsider Art, Hand Pulled Print
(The one I selected!!)

turquoise dandelion wish print from lulubugjewelry raw art letterpress

HOLY NIGHT holiday raw art letterpress original print

Thanks is For Giving - Thanksgiving Raw Art letterpress
Colette graciously gave me this one as well!

Also, my sister's school won $30,000 in funding from eInstruction- thank you to those who voted!!

Have a fabulous Friday!!


Interior Design Ideas 2011 Sponsored by Mansur Caem