Sunday, January 31, 2010
Axe Shower Gel
Agency: Lowe MENA, Dubai, UAE
Creative Director: Dominic Stallard and Clinton Manson
Art Director: Dominic Stallard
Copywriter: Clinton Manson
Arabic Copywriter: Ma'n Abu Taleb
Axe Shower Gel
Creative Director: Dominic Stallard and Clinton Manson
Art Director: Dominic Stallard
Copywriter: Clinton Manson
Arabic Copywriter: Ma'n Abu Taleb
Axe Shower Gel
Friday, January 29, 2010
Hostess with the Mostess
Four of my very best girlfriends are coming into town this weekend and I'm so excited! We all met at graduate school in Charlottesville. Given my "career slowdown" in the last couple of years, I joke that I spent $100k to find best friends and a husband (Mr. Southern and I also met at UVA). But I digress.
Of course, I am most happy about seeing the girls. However, I also LOVE to entertain and host, so I am going all out trying to get the house together. Unfortunately, there are some projects that just won't be completed, but I'm working on all the "little" things! You've all probably seen the list of what a guest room needs, but here's my take on it....
Bedside Carafe. I love these and think every room should have one. I was thrilled to find mine at a Simon Pearce store on sale, but these are all great options.

Tuvalu Carafe with etched glass, $38

CB2 Cora Carafe, $9.95
My Sparrow Handblown Carafe, set of 3, $67
Of course, I am most happy about seeing the girls. However, I also LOVE to entertain and host, so I am going all out trying to get the house together. Unfortunately, there are some projects that just won't be completed, but I'm working on all the "little" things! You've all probably seen the list of what a guest room needs, but here's my take on it....
Bedside Carafe. I love these and think every room should have one. I was thrilled to find mine at a Simon Pearce store on sale, but these are all great options.
Home Marketplace Bedside Carafe, $14.99

CB2 Cora Carafe, $9.95

Flowers on the bedside table...
via Country Living
Reading materials and a bedside lamp
A luggage rack would be helpful...
Frontgate Leather Luggage Rack, $149
via Fine Linens
A luggage rack would be helpful...

Great linens (bedding and bath) is a no-brainer.
It's not just about thread count... While Overstock and Smartbargains have great deals on bedding, I prefer other sites (BeddingStyle is one). I like to know the brand names so I have a better sense of the actual sheets that I'm getting. I have found I really like Pottery Barn's as well!
For the bath, I like to leave out mini soaps so guests can have a fresh bar (I don't know why, but I get skeeved out by using soap that someone else has used).

I've not ordered from here, but The Soap Guy seems to have a great selection- 60 handmade 1-ounce bars for $41.95 in flavors like Cafe Mocha, Banana Coconut, Plumeria Aloe, and Vanilla Oatmeal.

And I couldn't leave out Claus Porto, one of the best bar soaps ever. Touch of Europe mini 5-pack from $24.
The best thing about Caswell-Massey and Claus Porto- no animal testing!

Of course, I also like to have out other essentials, like lotions, a spare toothbrush, hair dryer, etc.
After a restful slumber, I love to serve a great breakfast. Hot coffee (with cream and sugar), orange juice, and options other than cold cereal.
For the bath, I like to leave out mini soaps so guests can have a fresh bar (I don't know why, but I get skeeved out by using soap that someone else has used).
I've not ordered from here, but The Soap Guy seems to have a great selection- 60 handmade 1-ounce bars for $41.95 in flavors like Cafe Mocha, Banana Coconut, Plumeria Aloe, and Vanilla Oatmeal.
And I couldn't leave out Claus Porto, one of the best bar soaps ever. Touch of Europe mini 5-pack from $24.
The best thing about Caswell-Massey and Claus Porto- no animal testing!
Of course, I also like to have out other essentials, like lotions, a spare toothbrush, hair dryer, etc.
After a restful slumber, I love to serve a great breakfast. Hot coffee (with cream and sugar), orange juice, and options other than cold cereal.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Design Blogger Profile: Jill Fehrenbacher of Inhabitat!
With the motto “Green design is good design; good design is green design”, the folks behind set out to help save the Earth and empower consumers with their popular weblog “devoted to the future of design, tracking the innovations in technology, practices and materials that are pushing architecture and home design towards a smarter and more sustainable future.”

Begun by freelance designer, green design consultant and proud New Yorker Jill Fehrenbacher in the spring of 2005, Inhabitat was well ahead of its time: instructing and inspiring homeowners and apartment dwellers to shuck their un-eco-friendly ways and adopt practices that would have a better impact on the earth. Inhabitat offers information on the best of the best when it comes to home design, fashion, beauty, food, transportation—all with a green spin. We think their best trait is their ability to, as they say, “investigate emerging trends in product, interior and architectural design.”

Helmed by a rather large staff and team of contributors, Mike Chino is the Managing Editor and Emily Pilloton, Olivia Chen, Evelyn Lee, Abigail Doan and Jorge Chapa are Senior Editors. Designed by Fehrenbacher, the site is just gorgeous; featuring an expansive and soft color palette of neutrals and soft greens, the site is easy to navigate, with categories like: architecture, interiors, products, technology, energy, transportation, fashion, art, kids and contest. Photos are big and bright, text brief and informative, and links to ideas and products easy to use.

Our favorite thing about Inhabitat is that they really focus on products and ideas that have substance to them. Unlike other companies and products out there that have only been “green washed” (the idea that some companies tout their products as greener to aid in marketing), Inhabitat’s contributors only bring those items that you know you can trust are really the best investments in with your time and money. In fact, we even love Inhabitat’s frustration with green design being a separate category in today's vernacular---as if it is somehow separated from the rest of design. The founder and writers behind Inhabitat believe, as stated in the motto, that all good design should be inherently green and eco-friendly.

Awards! and 10 Things Game

I have been honored with two awards recently and wanted to say thank you. Blayne at This Photographer's Life (In Search of Style). You may have met Blayne through Holly's introduction. I honestly can't even remember when I first starting reading Blayne but am always inspired by her fantastic photography and fabulous homes she features.
The rules for The Sunshine Award is awarded to bloggers whose positivity & creativity inspire others in the blog world. Here are the rules for accepting this award:
put the logo on your blog or within your post
pass the award on to 12 bloggers
link the nominees in your post
let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog
share the love and link to the person who sent you this award
I give this to:
A little while back, Rita of A Refocused Life gave me the Happy 101 award.

For the blogger willing to participate in the
Happy 101 Award,
please accept, share your list of ten things that make you happy, and
pass the award on to those you want to honor.
Happy 101 Award,
please accept, share your list of ten things that make you happy, and
pass the award on to those you want to honor.
I also thank Short Southern Momma, a super cute gal with great ideas, for my Best Blog Award.

And yesterday, I was tagged by Lesley at The Bright Life to give 10 Things I can't Live Without.
So I am combining this into one post!
Here are my 10 things that either make me happy or I can't live without (because I think the two are similar!):
1. Truffles. Not the chocolate variety, but those lovely earthy mushrooms. I've never bought a real truffle but I do adore truffle oil and truffle-infused things, like honey. When dining out, if I ever spy something made with truffles, I will order it. The end.

2. My morning coffee. With cream. Preferably something cinnamon, coconut, or caramel flavored. MMMM. Love coffee. At night, love coffee for a totally different reason- it puts me to sleep. Weird, I know (but I think linked to those with ADD, which would explain a lot).
3. Great bedding. As you've no doubt noticed, I travel a good bit for my job. I am picky about hotels largely because of the sheet factor. One of the best things about the luxe hotels is the sheet quality. Great sheets and a lovely down pillow = a very happy Emmie.

4. The beach. I need to see or hear or smell water (preferably salt) with some regularity. I would love to join the Beach Girl Bloggers (as I call them... you know, those fabulous designers down in Florida) and live tucked away at the beach.

5. Savon de Marseille soap. I don't know if this is a good thing, but I use this admittedly to wash my face most evenings. Even if I use a face soap, I'll end up using this to get rid of the last traces of makeup. Plus, you never need a cheesy soap dispenser.
6. Wine. So let's file this as a thing that makes me happy rather than something that I can't live without so I don't sound like a total wino. Love discovering new wines and one of my favorite getaways with Mr. Southern is when we visit wine country in California. We've done it nearly every year for the past 4 years.
7. Food... or rather cooking. Love to cook and the more frou-frou the better. One of the best ways to spend an afternoon is whipping up a feast... for 2 or 10. (with wine in hand, of course).
8. My furkids. You know I couldn't NOT include them. And we'll put family and friends in this as well, but I figured people couldn't be on the list, but dogs could. :-)

9. Gardening. I may not be the most gifted in the green thumb department, but I adore being outdoors and playing in the dirt. And when I can reap the rewards of my labor- all the better!!

10. You! I have had so much fun in this whole Blogging world- I really appreciate the relationships I've made and look forward to getting to know you better.
So I am combining this into one post!
Here are my 10 things that either make me happy or I can't live without (because I think the two are similar!):
1. Truffles. Not the chocolate variety, but those lovely earthy mushrooms. I've never bought a real truffle but I do adore truffle oil and truffle-infused things, like honey. When dining out, if I ever spy something made with truffles, I will order it. The end.
2. My morning coffee. With cream. Preferably something cinnamon, coconut, or caramel flavored. MMMM. Love coffee. At night, love coffee for a totally different reason- it puts me to sleep. Weird, I know (but I think linked to those with ADD, which would explain a lot).
3. Great bedding. As you've no doubt noticed, I travel a good bit for my job. I am picky about hotels largely because of the sheet factor. One of the best things about the luxe hotels is the sheet quality. Great sheets and a lovely down pillow = a very happy Emmie.
4. The beach. I need to see or hear or smell water (preferably salt) with some regularity. I would love to join the Beach Girl Bloggers (as I call them... you know, those fabulous designers down in Florida) and live tucked away at the beach.
5. Savon de Marseille soap. I don't know if this is a good thing, but I use this admittedly to wash my face most evenings. Even if I use a face soap, I'll end up using this to get rid of the last traces of makeup. Plus, you never need a cheesy soap dispenser.
6. Wine. So let's file this as a thing that makes me happy rather than something that I can't live without so I don't sound like a total wino. Love discovering new wines and one of my favorite getaways with Mr. Southern is when we visit wine country in California. We've done it nearly every year for the past 4 years.
7. Food... or rather cooking. Love to cook and the more frou-frou the better. One of the best ways to spend an afternoon is whipping up a feast... for 2 or 10. (with wine in hand, of course).
8. My furkids. You know I couldn't NOT include them. And we'll put family and friends in this as well, but I figured people couldn't be on the list, but dogs could. :-)
9. Gardening. I may not be the most gifted in the green thumb department, but I adore being outdoors and playing in the dirt. And when I can reap the rewards of my labor- all the better!!
10. You! I have had so much fun in this whole Blogging world- I really appreciate the relationships I've made and look forward to getting to know you better.
PS- I am terrible at giving the awards, so if I don't list you but you'd like to be listed, email me and I will get you in! :-) emmie2008 at gmail dot com.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
This Week's Top 5 Favorite 1stdibs Items: Visual Texture!
When most people think of texture in an interior space, they envision textiles full of pattern and fun to touch. But texture in interiors doesn't have to just be limited to upholstery and fabrics; texture can also refer to visual texture. Visual texture can bring interest into a space in ways that ordinary furniture and accessories just can't do. By including intricate and complicated items into your rooms, you increase the excitement. While you might not be able to enjoy in a tactile way the visual textured items we found from this week's newest 1stdibs' items, your eyes will surely be in for a treat!

1) Quasi Console by Aranda/Lasch
We have to confess: we are in love with this piece! Just look at all the facets and shadows and angles. This is an incredibly creative way to bring in texture your space, and in such an architectural way. Made out of walnut wood.
Price: contact dealer
Dealer: Johnson Trading Gallery
2) White Armless Chair by Kwangho Lee
This chair from designer Kwangho Lee is a great example of how even your seating doesn't have to succumb to the boring effects of plain old textured fabric. This chair is made out of knitted rubber tubing. We can't vouch for the comfort of a piece like this, but we can say it becomes more like a piece of art than just a place to sit.
Price: $4,800
Dealer: Johnson Trading Gallery
3) Pair of Massive Illuminated Pagodas by Tony Duquette
This pair of massive pagodas are by Tony Duquette circa the 1970's and are an interesting way to add texture, to say the least. Though huge, the repeating patterns of the Japanese architectural details act as a fabulous texture.
Price: contact dealer
Dealer: Todd Merrill Antiques

4) "SP3" lamp by Verner Panton
This is the original "SP3" three-tier Spiral Lampen in silver foil designed by Verner Panton for J. Luber in Switzerland in 1970. You just can't deny the fabulous texture this intricate light fixture would bring to a space, and with the light bouncing off all the curves and angles it would be a spectacular light source.
Price: contact dealer
Dealer: R Gallery
5) EC Sienne 1/05
This is an art piece by the contemporary French artist Anne Delfieu. Almost industrial due to its material choice and the rusty color of the exterior, we fell in love with the fabulous texture created by the top of the sculpture, and think it would add a lot of a space.
Price: $5,970
Dealer: Lief
Don't forget to check out the rest of this week's listings from 1stdibs, where you can find more fabulous, one-of-a-kind show-stopping pieces, as well as a number of other great pieces!

We have to confess: we are in love with this piece! Just look at all the facets and shadows and angles. This is an incredibly creative way to bring in texture your space, and in such an architectural way. Made out of walnut wood.
Price: contact dealer
Dealer: Johnson Trading Gallery

This chair from designer Kwangho Lee is a great example of how even your seating doesn't have to succumb to the boring effects of plain old textured fabric. This chair is made out of knitted rubber tubing. We can't vouch for the comfort of a piece like this, but we can say it becomes more like a piece of art than just a place to sit.
Price: $4,800
Dealer: Johnson Trading Gallery

This pair of massive pagodas are by Tony Duquette circa the 1970's and are an interesting way to add texture, to say the least. Though huge, the repeating patterns of the Japanese architectural details act as a fabulous texture.
Price: contact dealer
Dealer: Todd Merrill Antiques

This is the original "SP3" three-tier Spiral Lampen in silver foil designed by Verner Panton for J. Luber in Switzerland in 1970. You just can't deny the fabulous texture this intricate light fixture would bring to a space, and with the light bouncing off all the curves and angles it would be a spectacular light source.
Price: contact dealer
Dealer: R Gallery

This is an art piece by the contemporary French artist Anne Delfieu. Almost industrial due to its material choice and the rusty color of the exterior, we fell in love with the fabulous texture created by the top of the sculpture, and think it would add a lot of a space.
Price: $5,970
Dealer: Lief
Don't forget to check out the rest of this week's listings from 1stdibs, where you can find more fabulous, one-of-a-kind show-stopping pieces, as well as a number of other great pieces!
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