Sunday, January 3, 2010

Off to a Great Start!

If anyone had any doubt, 2010 promises to be a great year. My New Year's Resolution? Drink Champagne once a week. No, I'm not going to develop a drinking problem... I am going to celebrate the small stuff. Forget the whole, "Live in the Moment." How about "Celebrate each Moment?" This does not mean that everything in my life has been peaches and roses of late. But this year, my goal is to really try to let the tough stuff roll off me and to focus on all the good.

A couple of big events I have on my calendar... First, meeting Eddie Ross and Jaithan Kochar this weekend. Yes, I'm late to the party, I know; everyone has been to Scott's with them or to some other fabulous excursion (and I especially mean you, Lauren, Michelle, Terri, Beth, Meg et al). :-)
This Saturday (January 9th), I will be joining the dashing duo to learn about framing whilst sipping Sauvignon Blanc (no, it's not Champagne, but it will be close). If you're interested, I've heard there is still space- and it's free for Bloggers. Just email Jaithan ( Hooray! And, this brings me one baby step closer to my hero Martha (I promise, I am really not a stalker).

Next up, (January or February?) a meeting with a certain Atlanta interior designer (and blogger) to help me take my home to the next level. Yes, blogging has taught me many things, including the fact that y'all designers have talent. Much more so than I. Same goes for Landscape Designers- and I will be smuggling in another one, if she'll have me (more to come). Of course, we've got a few exciting weddings along the way, lots more travel, and who knows how many Doggie escapades. Including, my current attempt to land us all on a spot of a TV makeover show. So stay tuned!

And, if you're planning a blogger-hosting party for Eddie and Jaithan- or want to plan one with me!- please let me know!!


PS- for those looking for suggestions on Champagne, I'll work on getting some recommendations down!

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