Yesterday we shared with you the stylish décor and designs of French designer-turned-international phenomenon Philippe Starck. His designs are sleek, organic, modern and contemporary, and maybe not the first thing you might think to pair with our vintage glass lamps here at Swank Lighting. We think you’ll like the pair we chose today—we think it’ll make a great pair for the upcoming Valentine’s Day holiday as well!

Philippe Starck’s Ploof Sofa is certainly unique. An interestingly-shaped piece of furniture, this sofa can be used indoors or outdoors, and in a number of different rooms, from living rooms to even the bedroom. Made of a type of plastic, it isn’t exactly immediately thought of as cozy, but considering how close you’ll be sitting by someone if two people use this sofa, it’s cozier than one would think. We like the soft, natural curves of the piece, and also enjoy the light, almost pastel lavender color of this Ploof Sofa. Though a little odd, we think this piece would make a great addition to someone’s stylish space.

Though we’ve shown you a number of our Rock Candy Contemporary Recycled Glass Lamps from Swank Lighting before,
this particular pair comes in a color combination we just can’t resist. Called Black Raspberry, the colors are deep plums, crimson reds, charcoal grays and black. All mixed together and featuring the Rock Candy lines signature rough texture and interesting-look, we just can't hide our love for these great lights.

As you might imagine, the pairing of Starck’s Ploof Sofa and a pair of Swank Lighting Rock Candy lamps makes for a sassy, bold and feminine combination. The colors in the Black Raspberry lamps, while not matchy-matchy, certainly coordinate well with the Ploof’s lighter, but still in the right tone range, color. We love the contrast between the lamps’ rough, uneven texture and the smooth, even texture of the Ploof Sofa. And, we admit, we love how together it makes for a cutting edge, feminine-look.