With this and my Peaches Present post, I fear I'm running the risk of having y'all think I'm a complete narcissist. Not so! However, over the years, I've learned the importance of self love. As in, you have to love and appreciate yourself in order to truly and fully love others. OK, I lied. I'm still learning the importance of self love.
When one is Type A and a perfectionist, like I am, this "self love" is not always an easy thing to accomplish. I am often yelling at myself that I could do something better, should have done that, shouldn't have done this, etc. You get the idea. I honestly have to stop and remind myself- hey, I'm OK.
Additionally, we're heading into a holiday, Valentine's Day, which can be rather bittersweet. Whether you have a Significant Other or not, I encourage you to be your own Valentine first.
Take a moment and think about all the great qualities you have. Commit to be supportive of yourself and your work and efforts. Take care of yourself- your physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.
I happen to be traveling again this week (which explains my poor posts and even poorer commenting- I apologize!) and have had ample time with myself. As I've mentioned, I occassionally like to do my own "date night" and take myself out to dinner. These solo dinners after a long day aren't quite what I typically have in mind for date night, but it works. Your Significant Other may think you are completely insane if you suggest a solo date night, so that might not work for you.
via PhotoNet
But perhaps you can take a few extra moments in the bath, go for a run (perhaps on a treadmill?), or just enjoy a moment of quiet. Maybe splurge a little bit. Buy a little somthing-something, have a great piece of candy, buy yourself flowers. But do something to recognize you.
This probably a little "touchy feely" for many of you, but it was a thought I wanted to share with you.
Happy Valentine's Day!