When we look to share one of our favorite design blogs with our Swank Lighting blog readers, we try to find those blogs that we love, but that we also think will come in handy to our readers. Whether that’s because a blog features amazing inspiration or lots of design information doesn’t matter—as long as we feel it’s helpful. We say all of this because today’s blog choice might seem a bit odd—it’s not some famous designer’s blog or even one of the lesser known but charming blogs out there. Today’s choice is…
Ikea Hacker!

It all started in May of 2006 when Jules (the name the site owner goes by) decided to do a Google search for ideas on how revamp (or hack) Ikea furniture. Ikea furniture is great, as reluctantly as one might admit; it's cheap and their stuff isn’t even that poorly made (most of it, anyway). The thing of it is, is that so many people buy Ikea, that it can be a bummer to walk into someone’s place and see the same pieces of furniture. So, Ikea Hacker was born to help folks around the world hack their Ikea purchases into functional, aesthetically pleasing furniture that is completely customized to each user!