Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Perfect Pair: A Risom Chair and Vintage Murano Swank Lamps!

We know it’s not Valentine’s Day anymore, but we couldn't help but fall for a sweet pair of lamps and furniture that channel some of those great, love-filled color tones. Finding fabulous designs of Jens Risom that went with a pair of vintage Swank Lighting lamps wasn’t hard—it was deciding just which of all the fabulous possible combinations we would feature!

As mentioned yesterday, we have a soft spot for the prolific but perhaps not as well-known Jens Risom, especially for his most famous furniture made of birch wood and salvaged parachute straps. Though we were tempted to choose one of those pieces of furniture for today’s Perfect Pair, we decided to go with a rare pair of Jens Risom Leather Lounge Chairs, upholstered in fabulous coral-colored leather. The seats are low to the ground, wide and stocky—quite the masculine statement, however that masculinity is softened a bit by the color. Though straight lines rule in this piece, you can see that there is still an element of comfort to the chairs. But, Risom’s tell-tell modernity is represented in razor-sleek metal legs.

Swank Lighting’s Seguso Gold Kissed Raspberry Swirled Murano Lamps on Lucite are something else! We love the complicated pattern on the soft, simple shape. We love the color-tones and how they all meld together to create a fabulous palette of style. We adore the faceted Lucite base—it makes it look like the lamp bases are sitting on top of gems! They make quite the 1950s style statement.

Placed side-by-side, the Risom custom leather lounge chairs and Swank Lighting Seguso Murano lamps absolutely sing. The colors, while not matchy-matchy, coordinate well and create a creamy, feminine yet sassy combination. The soft shape of the lamps contrast with the masculine lines of the chairs, yet the comfort of the chairs is also contrasted with the sharp facets of the Lucite lamp bases. We think this pair would add a bit of warmth and color to a corner of a living room—what do you think?

Interior Design Ideas 2011 Sponsored by Mansur Caem