The blog is created by Blair Friedeman, who resides in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, and who is a local style and fashion icon. So, it seemed natural that she should start a blog, if only to help share her own fabulous ideas on life and design. As she describes is, the blog was started to “serve as an outlet for my daily musings on how to live a simply stylish life.” On her blog that receives over a 1,000 visits a day, she presents ideas, advice and tips on how to make a glamorous and classy interior space in your own home.
What we love the most about this blog is the type of glamour shown. Definitely interiors featured on Delight by Design are luxurious, but they’re also soft, simple and accessible. They are interiors that people could legitimately call and use like a home; not just look like it’s some sort of magazine shoot. You’ll find ideas on not only how to really make your home look like the photos on the blog, but also how to “cheat” it a bit: she gives great tips on how to style your space affordably to look like these glamorous inspirational spaces.
And it’s not just interior spaces that Friedeman riffs on—she’s got a lot of fun fashion ideas as well. And, if we may point out, we love how her fashion sense matches are interior design sense so well. On her simply laid out and graphically and aesthetically-pleasing website you’ll find big color photographs, sensible text and not a lot of other “stuff.” We love it.
So check out Delight by Design for some simple and stylish ideas on how to glamorize your home today!