Sometimes when we do posts on certain design influences from the past or present, we do so because they are so important to the history of design that we feel we must share—they’re the people and designs everyone should know. Other times, we sometimes do posts on designers because we want to know more about them. We were pleasantly surprised to come across the Lavernes, their designs and their bittersweet, yet wildly unknown, story.

It was actually kind of difficult to find a lot of information about Erwine and Estelle Laverne, even though some of their designs are some of the most important in the world. They’re most famous for four furniture designs, collectively known as the Invisibles. Called the Lily, Jonquil, Buttercup and Daffodil, these pieces are widely considered to be some of the first modern furniture to be made with the acrylic material, and they featured rounded edges, sleek lines and an overwhelming eloquence. As quoted in an article written by the New York Times, Erwine Laverne once said ''the most important element in rooms is people, not furniture.''