It's been a little chaotic in our house the past few days. Mr. Southern is working working working. I'm recovering/catching up from all my traveling (with another sinus infection). And our dear foster dog and youngest resident dog are on the outs with each right now. Life, of course, is still very good but all the bits of stress make me want a little pretty. The fastest way to pretty, to my mind, is Pink! Not sick-to-your-stomach Pepto Bismal pink. Pale, lovely, dreamy pink.
The reality is that I'll probably never to a pink room (unless one day we have a little girl) so here are some take-me-away pretty pinks.
Pink can be "grounded" with a healthy dose of brown or black, like this living room. While the walls (and it appears, ceilings) are done in pink, the dark brown of the chairs, sofa and light brown of the carpet serve to balance the girly factor.
Suzanne Kasler seems to use a lot of pink, ranging from bright bright to more muted tones. Here, we see more chocolate browns, with the sofa and trimming on the draperies, and a pale- almost beige- pink. I adore this room and would love to see it from another angle!

Another Kasler- I couldn't do just one! In this room, a taupe offsets the pop of pink accents. The sconces and side tables really give the space some glam.
Similarly, the taupe/greenish wall color perfectly sets the stage for very sophisticated twin beds.
This space really ups the glam factor with these fabulous drapes, Louis XV armchairs and frou-frou throw rug.
Love the bedcrown over this bed, in a deeper shade of pink than the wall, and the crystal chandelier. And is that houndstooth I spy!?
Phillip Gorrivan via Villa Anna
Here are more unabashedly girly and glam, but still quite "liveable." Pale, pale pink, lots of white wood (furniture and floors), and fabulous natural light. And would you not LOVE to have that fireplace and tub in your bath?!
Brightened up with white accessories and pop of green.
Can't forget Martha, who seems to feature lots of pink, either in others' rooms...

or her own home (or guest home).

Perhaps just a touch of pink? This room has several pink pieces (sofa, lampshades, and perhaps the duvet?) but is still decidedly pretty.

A great source for a pink lampshade-- I adore the green ribbon.
Belle Cottage
And, with Spring here, cannot forget the option of pink flowers (faux or real).
Diane James Pink Peonies, Gracious Home
Hope y'all have a lovely day!