There might not be a lot of information about Walter Lamb’s background or school on the Internet, but there sure is a lot of information about his great line of furniture he produced in the Mid-Century. Why? Because his work was not only great-looking, it was smart, functional and long-lasting.

Walter Lamb’s Outdoor Coffee Table made in the 1960’s is a little different than his most well-known work. He is most popular for creating tubular furniture pieces made out of bronze and copper tubing salvaged from sunken naval ships at Pearl Harbor and finishing those pieces off with canvas and yacht roping. This circular coffee table does have the bronze tube frame, but this time it is finished off with a redwood top. The result is a gorgeous contrast between the industrial-metal frame and the natural wood top. We love its simplicity, but also how modern it looks, as well.

Swank Lighting’s pair of Vintage Murano Lamps in Ruby Red with Subtle Striping was created in Italy in the 1960’s. While it may not be American made, you wouldn’t know from the gorgeous ruby red color that absolutely arrests the eye. Missile-shaped, they are simple, but powerful. What makes this pair even more special are the subtle, almost-hidden orange/red striping that runs vertical throughout the body. A subtle detail like this makes pairing these lamps with other pieces of similar color downright magical.

So this might officially be our first coffee table choice for a perfect pair on the Swank Lighting blog. No, we don’t suggest you place a lamp or two on this table, and yes, we do realize that it’s an outdoor table, but stay with us here! Firstly, couldn’t you see this gorgeous coffee table indoors in a room, placed with a fabulous Mid-Century Modern couch? Now, imagine there was a simple side table next to the sofa. Couldn’t you see one of these gorgeous lamps resting right on top? They might not be next to one another, but believe us; you place this pair of Swank Lighting Vintage Murano Lamps of Ruby Red next to Walter Lamb’s Outdoor Coffee Table with the gorgeous redwood top, and you’ll see why we’re promising this is a perfect pair.
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