We referred to yesterday's designer influence as the “Madonna of furniture design” because of his ability to both start trends and keep up with trends over many decades. To say it was hard to choose a piece of his for today’s perfect pair is an understatement; the man created TONS of gorgeous furniture pieces over the years. But, we chose one design, and think you’ll like the Swank Lighting lamps we’d suggest to go with it.
This pair of Vladimir Kagan Armchairs totally represent just how great Kagan was at both taking current design trends and combining them with his own design sensibilities to create something really amazing. These chairs feature his love of soft, comfortable and plush furniture with great cushions upholstered in a really neutral and natural looking material. The surprise to this piece is the stark and sleek plexiglass slabs used as arms. You wouldn’t think these elements work together, but they do, and they create a look that says 1960s. 
Swank Lighting’s Vintage Murano Lamps in Golden Honey are from Italy in the 1950s, but they seem to bridge several time periods, don’t they? We’ll admit, it was their sweet honey color that caught our eyes first. Warm and creamy, almost like amber, this color is the perfect tone for a space needing a cozy natural color. We also really love the curves to these lamps. And the swirls really create a lot of interest.

We just really like the contrast between the curves and swirls of the lamp and the sleek, straight lines of the arms. The curves of the lamp help the arms soften up, and the lines of the arms give a little back bone to the pair of lamps. And you can’t deny that the natural and textural material of the chairs goes beautifully with that warm honey amber color of the glass of the lamps. We love it!
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