Friday, October 22, 2010

Contemporary Designer Profile: Gary Spain!

From the very first moment you set your digital foot onto the online portfolio of Gary Spain, you know you’re in for an interior design experience like no other. The first image alone knocked us so far off our feet it took us a minute or two to recover. Thankfully, that first image isn’t the best—delving in we were delighted and think you’ll want to read on to discover the levels of inspiration like we did.

So what’s so special about that first picture? Well, being huge and boldly colored doesn’t hurt, but there’s so much we love. That geometric wallpaper that is both modern and classic and sets the perfect tone for the space’s color palette. That big oversized yellow chair. The classical looking bust. The oversized plants. The fact that this is the first thing you see when you walk into this home (man we wish we had an entryway as bold as that!)

Digging deeper into the online portfolio of interiors, we see that those same elements that piqued our curiosity in the first place continue on through all of his projects. His rooms really have a coveted casual feel to them—they’re put together, but in that sort of way that makes it look like it just took a day or two and hardly any trouble at all. All his rooms make the homeowners look effortlessly stylish and hip.

We see bold colors all over, but not in a dominating way. Modern and contemporary furniture pieces mix with carefully curated classic and traditional pieces to create a look that doesn’t conform to any one style, but rather, them all.

So why do Gary’s rooms seem so cool? It could have to do with his varied and full background of other jobs he does in this field. Like lending his design eye to magazine editorial shoots, set design and even prop design. He’s got those portfolios up on his website, too, and they make for great spots for inspiration as well.

Without a bio on his website, we don’t know much about the rest of his background or his schooling, but any Google search shows us his rooms have been in lots of the top shelter magazines, and that he’s adored by folks in the industry and out of it! Definitely check out his website for inspiration.

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Interior Design Ideas 2011 Sponsored by Mansur Caem