Well, it looks a lot like this…
Only a few years ago, the average age of a first-time RV owner was 64. Just as Walter Byam brought Airstream to its full potential when he redesigned and marketed it to the public, Airstream is doing it once again… this time by updating the interiors to appeal to a younger generation by making the inside as aesthetically pleasing as the outside. Designboom.com covered this dramatic revitalization when it happened in 2001. You can read about how Wilsonart, the laminate manufacturing company, worked with designers Christopher Deam and Jim Huff to create a hip, ultra chic new interior using laminates on nearly all surfaces. Says Grace Jeffers of Wilsonart, “Laminate is, like the trailer, nostalgically familiar and modern, even futuristic, in attitude.” It gives it a totally sleek new look.
Design Within Reach and Deam came up with a special edition DWR Airstream. It doesn’t get any better than this. Check out the other models in the 2008 fleet - you will definitely find one to your liking.
Can’t afford an Airstream? There are actually parks where you can rent permanently moored Airstreams by the night! This new idea of Airstream and retro RV parks lets you live the nostalgic Airstream lifestyle without owning one! The Shady Dell in Bisbee, Arizona has eleven different vintage RVs ready for you to stay in, complete with retro interiors right down to old tube TVs!! It truly is a living time capsule. Want to get a more worldly view? Airstream Europe is the first retro RV park in Europe, located in a BEAUTIFUL field in the foothills of the Pyranees Mountains near Mirepoix, France. Absolutely breathtaking surroundings enjoyed from the comfort of a vintage Airstream definitely makes this a non-traditional European vacation!At the start of the Airstream Empire, Popular Mechanics wrote, “Once you live in a home on wheels, you’re never satisfied to be anchored to a permanent one again.” Sounds tempting… wanna join me?
-Genevieve at Swank