Doug at Swank

Maybe "trend" isn't the right word... dogs have been featured in the art world for centuries. Take Foo Dogs, for example. A pair of Foo Dogs (most likely the glazed turquoise kind) has become almost a staple in any Hollywood Regency space, but their original purpose was to guard Buddhist Temples and government buildings in China. They are believed to have first appeared during 208 B.C. - 221 A.D., and were most likely modeled after the Chow breed for their lion-like appearance. "Fo" is the Chinese word for Buddha, which is a possible origin for the Foo Dog name.

I found an excellent blog called Dog Art Todaywhich lists notable artists and designers, starting in the 14th century. Among notables such as Pablo Picasso and Andy Warhol, who often featured their own miniature daschunds in their works, are several contemporary artists who feature dogs as their central theme. Two of my personal favorites are Amy Turner and Luis Ramos, both of whom do pet portraits with a twist. Amy Turner's website showcases her wood-grain pet portraits which are very graphic design in nature. The boldness and simplicity of them is what I find most appealing; especially the way she manipulates the wood-grain to simulate different textures and colors - definitely worth checking out. Luis Ramos looks to the past and his Spanish heritage for the inspiration behind his neo-classical portraits. His business is called Petcasso, painting your loved pet into a most regal setting. Perfect for the very pampered pet.

Other ways our four-legged friends have been incorporated into our interior spaces are through funky fabrics and pillows. Crypton and William Wegman, famous Weimaraner photographer, recently launched a line of dog-inspired prints. Crypton fabrics are impervious to stains and are often used in the health-care industry, but are perfect for places where your pet likes to lounge, even available for slipcover applications for your own furniture! I also found some super cute pillows, which are shown below. Sketchy, Needlepoint, screen printed, or graphics, there's a style to fit every space. 

So whether you're lonesome for your furry friend like myself, or want to pay homage to your loved one, there are several ways to meet your needs. Want something more upscale? Check out Bond and Bowery's selection of fine art dog prints and paintings.

So whether you're lonesome for your furry friend like myself, or want to pay homage to your loved one, there are several ways to meet your needs. Want something more upscale? Check out Bond and Bowery's selection of fine art dog prints and paintings.
- Genevieve at Swank