Tuesday, September 22, 2009

what a difference a day makes

First, I am not trying to make light of the weather here. Initially, I was going to title this something like, "why gardening can be challenging in the South" but feared it sounded too flippant. I just cannot believe the dramatic change in our landscape from the drought to the floods.

Please stay safe!

Lake Lanier, MSNBC 2007

Lake Lanier in 2007, HurricaneIan

Lake Lanier in 2008, Amanda Wood via National Drought Mitigation Center

Lake Allatoona 2007, mjn Flikr

Heritage Park, Canton GA (Mark07 via weather.com)

Foodies should recognize Canoe Restaurant (JenPScar via weather.com)

Humphries Hill Rd, wimpcheese via weather.com

After despising "the thing" in our yard (click for the post), we are very thankful for it as it has meant no flooding.



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