Friday, December 4, 2009

Pretty in Pink

Believe it or not, this is not actually a reference to the 1980s great movie (is it just me or do they not have great "chick fliks" like this anymore??) One of the fun things about Florida (perhaps any tropical place??) is how it can pull off pink buildings. I had the good fortune of being able to stay at the Boca Raton Beach resort this week- not because I have a huge travel budget but because the rates were $139 per night! (thank you, delayed Snow Birds! One upside to this economic situation is the travel deals, provided one can afford the time and the expense.)

I have, I believe, professed to you my absolute love for hotels. Make that a double during the holiday season. Few of us can pull off a 26-foot high Frasier Fir in our front yard (above). Or a 12(?)-foot fir indoors with fun sparkly snowflakes (below).

What I love the most though, are the outdoor garden spaces.

(I tried multiple times to save this image rotated correctly but each time I uploaded the photo, it was sideways. However, I LOVED the grass checkerboard and wanted to share it anyway!)

The Boca Raton resort opened in the 1930s and while it has changed over the years, it's interesting to see how much has stayed the same.

And if the Boca Resort is too old-school for you, pop on over to the Beach Club for a bit of the South Beach feel.

The lounge cushions were actually yellow when I ran (literally) over there, but I like the green and turquoise!

More eye candy of the resort...

Note- I've received no sponsorship/compensation/support/etc from the BRR. I just had a lovely few hours there- for a great price- before and after working until late late in the evenings!

Photos are a combination of mine and the resorts'.
Have a great day and fabulous weekend!

Interior Design Ideas 2011 Sponsored by Mansur Caem