We’ve covered a number of contemporary and past designer influences on Swank Lighting in previous posts, only a few times bringing you posts about furniture companies, like
Lane Furniture Company or manufacturing companies, like
Marbro Lamp Company. We’ve got another furniture company today, the Heywood-Wakefield Company, whose furnishings aren’t just highly recognizable, but also highly sought after!

It’s not hard to spot a Heywood-Wakefield: they have a very specific aesthetic. Known primarily for the use of blond-colored wood, you can also count on sleek lines, subtle curves and modern details as a good signifier that you’re looking at a Heywood-Wakefield piece. Considered by some to be one of the companies that helped bring modern design to homes, their pieces are high-quality, and fit in quite nicely when a number of other modern styles. Vintage Heywood-Wakefield pieces are prized today for their aesthetics, quality and reasonable price points.