Wednesday, June 16, 2010

This Week's Top 5 Favorite 1stdibs Items: Hard Working Design!

We're among the belief that if you work hard in this life—and we mean real hard—you'll get ahead (and hopefully everything you've worked hard for). It's really part of the American spirit, if you think about it. In honor of this indeterminable spirit that lies within us all, we've found five great pieces from 1stdibs' newest listings that represent hard work. Mechanical, industrial, tools, incredible design—we think you'll find some hard working inspiration in many of these photos!

1) Arturo Pani Iron and Bronze Cocktail Table
We think this is a perfect piece to start this list off with. It's at once industrial: showcasing big iron pieces and with a heavy-feel, but it's also elegant—proving that it takes great skill to wield the instruments that made the raw iron into a useful furniture piece.
Price: contact dealer
Downtown at Claremont

2) Classroom Molecular Model
Having recently read a book on the history and discoveries that have shaped modern chemistry, I can definitely attest to how much work went into getting the level of knowledge we have today to what is. And plus this piece just looks very "science-y". Everyone knows science=hard work. Price: $2,800
Mantique's Modern

3) Giant Scissors on Custom Stand
A little kitschy, we know, but this over-sized pair of scissors does just what we are looking for: represent hard work. And because many difficult tasks involve scissors, we think you can see what we're going for here.
Price: $1,600
Mantique's Modern

4) James Prestini Sculptures
Nuts! Bolts! Sculptures! Oh my! We are loving these giant, industrial, mechanical sculptures. What a statement they would make. If you had these giant sculptures in your home, guests would know immediately you value the efforts of a long, hard day of work.
Price: $24,000

5) Advertising Display Sign
Kind of in the same category of the giant pair of scissors, we like that this saw combines both the symbol of handmade, hard work, but also that's it an advertisement. This saw is pulling double duty, working hard at two jobs!
Price: $2,400

Don't forget to check out the rest of this week's listings from 1stdibs, where you can find more fabulous, one-of-a-kind show-stopping pieces, as well as a number of other great pieces!

Interior Design Ideas 2011 Sponsored by Mansur Caem